As I learn more about myself and get deeper into the essence of why I do the things I do, the more I see that I need to address so much: Anxiety, The Wall, Self-doubt, Grief. But what has motivated me to be more self-aware? Why am I doing all these new things? What’s the significance – the purpose? I don’t have a clue what pushed me to this awakening. It wasn’t a gradual thing either – it just happened. I woke up one day, and I had decided to do it. All I can think is that I was feeling tied up, and I needed to feel free. The truth is out there.
The first decision was that I would quit my job. I loved my job. I loved the people I worked with, and I was good at what I did. Really good. I had the respect of my coworkers and the customer. Why would I leave it? Sure, I had some issues with my direct supervisor. He was a great guy, but I just didn’t feel like he gave me enough respect or credit for my work. I was also paid far below my worth, but it didn’t stop me from working 12 hours days. I was happy, and I could see a very successful future. But, I decided to quit. Now, I earn less than half of what I was, but I am even happier. I’m not challenged like I was, but I’m good. I don’t need the extra challenges anymore. I don’t have any idea what the catalyst was. When asked, I say it was this or that, but the truth is, I’m not sure.
Not only did I quit my job, but I decided to travel and visit everywhere I ever wanted to go, but why? Again, I am making only enough money to pay my bills, and I am alone. What would encourage me to spend money I don’t really have and go places all alone? I cannot figure it out. I have no clue. I just did. I’m still figuring it all out. I guess that’s the point. At the same time, I am looking for the why; I am discovering myself. What makes me the way I am? What is important to me? How can I make an impact?
I know that my limited talks with God over the last few years have encouraged my actions. But I have no idea what prayers he is answering. It’s all still out there for me to figure it out. On the X-Files, Mulder always said, “The Truth Is Out There.” I liked Scully’s response. She is much more like me and she said, “The Truth Is Out There, But So Are Lies.” My journey is the distinction between the truth and the lies.
Having friends is difficult, it forces you to stretch yourself and put yourself out there…
September 13, 2021A friend recently told me that having friends is difficult. At first my heart sunk…
September 12, 2021© 2021 Write Pray Ninja. All rights reserved.