Rosy Days Ahead

5 May 2021 – Last night I was completely unable to sleep so I decided to read my own posts. I noticed something that I already knew but was more obvious than I thought – I am a big whiner. My words tend to make me sound like I am not happy. To be clear, I am happy. My life is good and there is nothing but opportunity ahead. Some days are tough, some days I am lonely and some days I am sad. Sometimes I even get angry! But I am definitely looking for sunshine every day and I see it more often than not.

I saw this graphic of Audrey Hepburn and I was immediately drawn to it. Her quote resonates with me on every level. What if I spent more time living in that reality. Pink is a great color and I definitely love when something funny catches me by surprise. I take myself too seriously, more laughter is definitely called for in my life. Kissing – it’s been years but I remember it fondly. I am definitely strong when I have to be, even when I don’t want to be. In my experience, the happier I am, the easier it is to feel confident. So maybe it doesn’t make me pretty but it makes me feel pretty. I definitely believe in the power of tomorrow. Although tomorrow is never promised, as long as you are right with God, tomorrow will either be spent in heaven or getting another chance to figure it all out. I have seen two babies born so I definitely believe in miracles. This sounds like a rosy way to face my days.


On Sunday, I was lying on the beach at Fort Monroe, enjoying the sunshine and the breeze. As I lay there, I could hear all kinds of conversations, and it was entertaining. There were three men in their early twenties talking about their dating lives. They were candid about how hard it is even to find someone to go out with. They laughed and said that every time they match with someone online, by the time they go to see the match, the woman has already unmatched herself. I was impressed by their ability to laugh about their dating lives and tell one another the truth. They weren’t complaining or even commiserating. They were stating facts. As someone who has never had to “date,” I can’t even understand the difficulties that they are experiencing. I am sure they have rosy days ahead.

There was a group of five couples that appeared to be in their forties. It was the birthday of one of the women, and the group discussed their misadventures the night before to celebrate. The birthday girl was talking about how much wine she had and that she was wiped out. Most of the group was complaining about their hangover. It was fun to listen to people in their forties talking like they were in their twenties. We don’t really get older on the inside the way we do on the outside. I know that I don’t feel like I am almost fifty. I feel the same as I always have. I am thinking rosy thoughts

One other group was a couple of families with children aged one to eight. Those poor parents were worn out and ready to go home. Of course, the kids were having meltdowns about not wanting to leave. I remember when my kids were young. I always loved taking the girls places, and once in a while, there would be a meltdown, but overall they didn’t freak out the way most kids do. Whenever we are out, and we hear a child screaming or crying, we look at each other and say, “There are some parents that kept their child out too long.” It’s not the child’s fault. It’s usually the parent’s mistake.

People are interesting. It is amazing how different we all are and yet the similarities we can find. Looking and listening to these people on the beach, I saw three sets of people much different than me. They looked different and even talked differently, but as I listened to them, I heard stories that I could have been telling. I had something in common with all of them. Thinking this, I went to the grocery store yesterday and pretended that everyone I met was like me. It was an entirely different experience for me. Instead of looking at others like they might be irritated by me or have nothing in common with me, I acted like they were my best friends. I spoke to everyone and even made a couple of jokes and sarcastic comments.

I look forward to more rosy days ahead. Days full of laughter and strength. Days being happy and wearing pick. And kissing – remember, I believe in miracles. 🤣