Keep Going

31 August 2021 – Somedays I am healing; others I am breaking. Either way, I keep going. Have you ever noticed that some days are easier than others? For example, some days, work is easy; everything goes exactly as planned, and you get everything done. Then there are days when you can’t even figure out where to start; you can’t keep your mind on task, and nothing happens as it should. I don’t know about you, but this happens often.

keep going

We are all going through something. Sometimes only for hours, sometimes only for a day, but often for a long time. These things we are going through a range from inconveniences to heartbreak. Much of what happens to us is out of our control; however, how we respond is entirely up to us. We can lay down and cry and complain and catastrophize, one of my favorites, or we can keep going. I am starting to find that the more often I break, the better the outlook when I stick myself back together. Like the images above, my life is becoming a beautiful stained glass image or a colorful kaleidoscope of all of the wonderful things that have happened to me.

keep going

Choosing to keep going is difficult. I know this. But I have also learned that although things change, great things still exist, and even better things will come. Change is difficult and sometimes courage is small, but I keep going. I am still picking up the pieces as I try to come to terms with who I am and what my future will look like, but I have great hope for my tomorrow. How do I ensure I will have a great tomorrow? I don’t. I can’t. All I can do is ensure that today is the best day I can make it. If I stack up good days and keep going, a great tomorrow must be on the horizon.