25 August 2021 – The greatest lesson I have learned is life is short. There is never enough time to do everything you want to do or say the things you want to say. Even if we aren’t procrastinators when it comes to work, we often procrastinate when it comes to doing the things that really matter. Stop procrastinating. Things that make you happy, things that make those you love happy, are the most important things. Say it, do it, show them.
Think about how good you feel after you do something you enjoy. Now think about the fact that you can feel that same way every single day if you make time to do things that make you happy. Things that bring you positive energy should be part of your everyday. Whether it’s reading a book, going on a walk, hitting the gym, taking a nap, cuddling with your favorite person, talking to your best friend or reading to your kids, do it. Make a memory every day. Life is short, don’t waste any more of it.
How many times have you wanted to tell someone how much you care about them but didn’t? Maybe you thought it’s not the right time, or they already know. It is always the right time because there may not be another time. You don’t want to miss the opportunity to tell someone how you feel because tomorrow may be too late. Heck, ten minutes may be too late. Even if someone knows how you feel, you should tell them again. You should tell them often, and you should show them in everything you do because it has to be more than words.
I have regrets from when Dave died. I know that I didn’t show him enough or tell him enough that I loved him in those last few months. I just went about my life as normal, pretending that he would be fine and that tomorrow everything would be better. I did this up until the morning he died. I can’t go back and tell him or show him. I just have to hope he knew. DO NOT WAIT. Tell your loved ones today. Show them how much you care. Life is short, and it gets shorted each day.
A very special friend’s mother died early this morning. He was fortunate to spend time with her yesterday, but it will not make the pain any less. Unfortunately, we can’t save those we love, and we can’t take away their pain. But we can be sure they know they are cared about and they matter. By taking the time to be with her yesterday, he was able to show his mother how he felt and that she mattered. Being there with his father, he was able to do the same for him. We all need to make sure we take the time to show those we love they matter because, just like with my friend, tomorrow is not a promise.
“Life is short, make it sweet” is a song lyric from Old Dominion. “Forever is shorter than you think, make it matter” is my own. However you see it, make today count in all that you do and all that you say. Tell them. Show them. Love them with all that you are. I love you, my friend. 💚 💚 💚
Having friends is difficult, it forces you to stretch yourself and put yourself out there…
September 13, 2021A friend recently told me that having friends is difficult. At first my heart sunk…
September 12, 2021© 2021 Write Pray Ninja. All rights reserved.