22 April 2021 – A story about you doesn’t necessarily belong to you. Instead, it belongs to the person recalling the story, even if you are the main character in it. Everything about the story is dependent on how it is remembered. The tone, the plot, the climax, the theme and even whether you are a hero or villain are determined by whoever tells the story. Even if the story is basically true, perspective changes it. Perception is Reality.
I believe strongly that perception is reality. No matter how you mean something, it’s the way others perceive it that is the reality. When you say or do anything, you need to do it with utmost care because you want others to respond as intended. Because, even if you don’t mean to hurt someone’s feelings or make them angry, they may perceive it as such. I am often guilty of not being careful about using my words, and they are perceived as hurtful.
For years, I was so sarcastic and joked so much that I hurt other people. I didn’t mean to, but I did. I remember a specific instance when I made a sarcastic comment that hurt someone and caused issues that were not resolved for almost twenty years. I never understood what had happened between us until she told me all those years later. Despite it not being my intention, I lost years of friendship because I was not more careful with my words. There have been times over the years where I have alienated others with my words. Perception is reality.
I have heard a saying that you die twice. Once when your body dies and once when your name is said for the last time. As I contemplate my story and how it will be recalled when it no longer belongs to me, I want to be sure that the people in my life know the true intentions of my words and actions. I will never be remembered as a woman who keeps her mouth shut or her opinions to herself, but that does not mean I can’t be remembered as kind. The key will be figuring out how to reconcile being true to myself while also being deliberate with my words and actions, so they are met kindly by those I meet. Perception is reality.
The other, more important issue is how do I perceive myself. I know I have a long road from where I am to where I want to be. Who do I see when I look at myself in the mirror? I see myself as small and insignificant, but that can’t be all I am. I may never see myself how the cat sees himself as a lion, but there is definitely room for improvement. Perception is reality.
Having friends is difficult, it forces you to stretch yourself and put yourself out there…
September 13, 2021A friend recently told me that having friends is difficult. At first my heart sunk…
September 12, 2021© 2021 Write Pray Ninja. All rights reserved.