10 July 2021 – Last night, I laid down to sleep, and I couldn’t. As usual, I had too much on my mind. I have always had a hard time falling asleep, but since I’ve been traveling, usually by the time I lay down, I am so tired that falling asleep is easy. Not last night though, I was thinking about everything. There have been a couple of things weighing on my mind that was just overwhelming me last night. When I let my thoughts get overwhelmed, it usually spirals out of control, and I can’t escape getting inside my head and letting the dark parts of my brain take over. So I was sleepless in Seattle, and I had to do something about it.
Prayer and I have a very complicated relationship. I am of the opinion that prayer does not work. People talk all the time about how they believe prayer works, but that has not been my experience. This doesn’t mean I don’t do it, though. I have been dedicated to praying every day for as long as I can remember. I always pray at night when I lay down. I pray thanksgiving for all I have, I pray for blessings for those I love, and I pray for specific people and specific issues as needed. Being one of those lucky people who hasn’t experienced answered prayers, my theory is that I am due for one or many to work. So, I pray.
While I was Sleepless in Seattle, I prayed. I prayed for every person I have met on my adventures, every person who has supported my adventures. I prayed for every family member and every coworker. I spent extra time praying for those closest to me and those I care about the most. So many people I love have things in their lives that need attention, and it brings me peace to pray for them. I know that I have no control over what happens to them, and in most cases, there is nothing I can do, so I pray. Does it help them? I can’t know. Does it help me? Yes. It makes me feel like I am doing something.
I have been praying every day for over a year and a half for a friend and his family. They have had a rough few years and have so much going on. This friend has brought me so many smiles and laughs and so much comfort; I just want his family to experience pockets of calm and happiness, and even peace and joy. My mom and sister have health issues that I can’t do anything about, so I just pray. I have a couple of friends who I just feel like need something in their lives, so I pray for them a little extra. Each week and each month, I pick someone or several someones, and I give them extra attention during my prayers.
Maybe one day, I will see the results of one of my prayers, but I am not counting on it. For now, prayer gives me some peace knowing that I have done something for others when I am unable to actually do something. When I am Sleepless in Seattle or St. Louis, or Yorktown, prayer helps me find some peace and eventually sleep.
Having friends is difficult, it forces you to stretch yourself and put yourself out there…
September 13, 2021A friend recently told me that having friends is difficult. At first my heart sunk…
September 12, 2021© 2021 Write Pray Ninja. All rights reserved.